Are you looking to boost your profits, whilst lowering your costs? can help! There is no doubt that Google has the most traffic of any search engine on the internet. However, this doesn’t mean you should discard other search engines when planning a Pay Per Click marketing campaign. I have come across many business owners who discard Bing in favor of Google AdWords without giving it a second thought and mainly because of the higher traffic numbers on Google.Read More
Yes, Google does have higher traffic than Bing, but Google AdWords is also more expensive to run than a Bing PPC campaign. Not only that, but Bing does have higher search volumes in some niches than Google yet is much less competitive. So, already you can begin to see the advantages of using Bing for your Pay Per Click campaign. You will be sure to achieve excellent results when using Bing for your business and I encourage clients not to write it off before allowing me to show you exactly what it can bring to your websites. Using Bing does not mean you need to abandon Google. You can split your PPC budget between the two and save a large amount of money while still gaining potential customers you might otherwise have missed. Bing does not attract the same high volumes of traffic as Google, and you shouldn’t use it as an alternative. But Bing is cheaper and you will get your adverts in more prominent positions on Bing than Google for a lower cost. I will also be able to adjust your Bing campaign easily as it offers more flexibility and this makes it easier to monitor and make changes to your ads to maximize profits. Therefore, using Bing can bring you additional traffic and potential customers at lower cost than Google AdWords, which is great. Unlike Google, you can select the age and gender of the people you want your advert to target using Bing, which means you can get your advert in front of the right people. Bing ads will also show your social media profile, which gives a better reflection of your business in a social world, as opposed to Google Plus, which doesn’t have the same following as Twitter or Facebook. Bing offers greater control over what should trigger your advert to appear. You can include tools and misspellings for example, or you can simply stick to the exact keyword phrases. The choice is yours. Schedules for your campaigns on Bing can be produced in more detail than on Google AdWords and you can even add specific time zones to different ad groups…This is very beneficial if you’re shipping your products or offering your service worldwide. While a Bing PPC campaign is a good way to attract additional targeted visitors to your website, you should never choose it instead of using Google AdWords. Google AdWords is the world’s biggest PPC advertising service and when used properly can generate considerable profits. Many people use Google as their preferred search engine, and you can drive a considerable number of high conversion leads to your website every day with the right ads. With this in mind, why not split your PPC advertising budget between Bing and Google AdWords. Now it’s not an easy thing to do, but this is where I will be of service.I have a wealth of experience when it comes to creating and running successful Bing and Google AdWord campaigns simultaneously. Not only that, but has a great offer, which means you can enjoy discounts if you decide to run both the Bing and a Google AdWords PPC campaign. You should never leave your PPC advertising campaigns to chance as you’ll waste a great deal of time and money. Leave it in the hands of an expert and allow me to do all the work for you while you reap the rewards. Still not convinced? Why not take advantage of Hartej’s PPC check? It is 100% free and there are never any strings attached. You will get an in-depth analysis of your current PPC position, with guidance on how we can increase your profits. So, contact me today to arrange your 100% free PPC check.