Global Vegan Digital Marketing Strategy
One question a lot of businesses who come to have is whether it is possible to target different countries from a single domain? And, how do we do this with the best success.
To be honest, the short answer is YES! But it is not the most straightforward process. It is tough, but it can and has been done well. As your global SEO consultant at, I have the experience to create an amazing successful global SEO campaign. This will be tailored to you website’s audience and the countries you intend to target. Read More
There is a process to the strategy and the first stage is waiting on Google. Initially, Google the world’s biggest search engine in terms of weight and potential traffic will make a decision on what your primary country will be. Now, this is usually done from the domain name extension, such as, .com/ and the location of your service. For example if your website ends in Google will see it as being British website, located in the UK. However, if your website ends in .com then Google will refer to the location of the server and if it happens to be in the USA then Google will use the USA as your primary country. So, let’s say that you have the extension and you are targeting the keyword “cruelty free socks”. As an example to be top of the Google search results for this keyword in the uk and in the usa requires a way to gain one hundred SEO points. Now, to come above the websites in the UK version of your Google search results you may need one hundred one SEO points. However, this won’t be the same with the website in the USA due to the domain name extension, the UK is the primary country for your website. Therefore, your post will be pushed down on Google USA. It could be reduced to around twenty-five percent. Leaving you with just twenty-five points with Google USA. In all honesty, ranking above the best website in the USA for a UK site for a certain keyword could be very tough, but not impossible. We may need 400 SEO points to come close. However, we will need to make a business decision here as to whether this is the best option to pursue. Will it be worth the time, effort and money to target the USA or is it better if we invest in the primary country of business, e.g. the UK. What if the market in the USA is key for your business? Would it be a better decision to create a new website targeted specifically at the USA market, or having different versions of the same domain with a geo-tracker so people in different countries automatically see their version of the site. It is these questions which will be answered once getting in touch with I will look at all the options available to you and assess exactly what your requirements are and create the digital marketing strategy to make it achievable. We can talk about your budget and how this is best spent in terms of your global SEO strategy. If you want to target five countries, I will guide you on how best to divide your resources to cover them. For example, if you have $1000 to spend per month and you decide to spend $200 per month on each of your sites. Yes, you have sites and assets ranking in various countries, but each one is only getting a fifth of the budget. Therefore, we will need to decide whether we should weaken the power of our SEO by splitting the budget… or do we invest more of the budget on one site that’s weaker. Often getting micro sites into the mix hosted locally with local signals such as contact details, the address and the local phone number can help boost the rankings in certain places. By getting in touch with you can receive a no obligation assessment of your website’s SEO and also discuss your plan moving forward in terms of Global SEO. So, if you are interested in taking your Global SEO strategy to the next level. Get in touch with me today!