Business SEO Services
You are about to start investing in internet marketing, but not sure exactly what it entails. You will probably want to know the answer to one of the most important questions… What Exactly Is SEO?
No business owner enjoys paying for a service they do not fully understand, so here is a lot of great information that will help you make the best business decision and invest in SEO with Your Vegan Marketer.
Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short, is something you’ve probably heard of before. But what exactly does it mean?
Well, basically SEO is the process of pushing your website to the top of a search engines rankings like Google & Bing. So, when a potential customer is looking for a product or service you offer by typing in words relevant to your particular service, you will want your website to be at the top of the list. The higher it is in search rankings the more visitors you receive and of course the more sales or leads you create. SEO focuses on organic listings which are the ones you see below the paid/sponsored adverts on a Google search. Read More
The first thing you need to know is that there are three different types of SEO. White-hats, grey-hats and black-hats. I only provide white hat services which means no ethical or moral rules are broken and I do not break the law. Unlike some, I do not hack websites and drop back-links without the owner’s permission and never ever do mass spam on forums. Small business SEO services providers using the wrong tactic can be fatal! So, what do I do, you ask? I get the results, without the risky strategies. I will focus on the two key parts of effective SEO. On-page and off-page. Let me explain both of them in a little more detail. On-page SEO is how your website is built. The coding of your pages and the structure. As part of the reports I will provide a site wide SEO report covering your whole website and even on-page reports focusing on individual keywords and URL combinations that you have created. For example, if we target a page for ‘vegan skincare’, does your URL for that page have ‘vegan-skincare’ in there somewhere. With this information I can work out the best way to get your website noticed and start getting people through your digital doors. But, we all know it’s not about traffic. We want to turn visitors into sales. And the best way to do that is to attract the right visitors. I will spend time with you consulting on the best user intent keywords that we can target so that we almost think like the searcher. Everyone wants to be on Page 1 for the word ‘vegan’, but is that searcher looking for your products. Search engines will quickly penalise us for trying to do such a thing. If you sell vegan sweets, then we are better targeting ‘vegan sweets’. Most SEO agencies do not do this critical step and neglecting this aspect of SEO can be costly and ineffective. Neglecting this step that I do, confuses the search engines as to what product you actually are selling or service being provided. Thankfully, I will be able to help with this and ensure Google knows exactly what we are selling with some on-page TLC. This is the easy part of SEO, the off-page work is the tough bit. The most power comes from the back-links and that’s when another site has linked to your site. This is a complex process because Google watches activity closely and they have a dedicated algorithm for spotting backlinks. And if it isn’t done correctly, Google will penalise the site heavily and you might even struggle to get listed again. Thankfully, I use strategies which look great for the search engines and point the best clean organic links to your site. This is the perfect time to order a free review pack with me and find out where your SEO ranking is, compared to others, without any fees. Once, you have all the information you can make an informed decision regarding the package you would like to order. SEO cannot be left to chance. So, take action today with Different Types Of SEO
SEO Consulting