How often do you walk into a physical shop, showing interest in a specific product, but don’t commit to buy the product? Many people do this on a regular basis, and it’s not because they don’t like the products, after all they’ve been looking for it specifically. The thing is, this example is also true for websites and your website could be receiving interested visitors who are not taking any action.
They find your website, have a brief look at it and then leave without making a purchase, signing up for your newsletter or even getting in touch.
Thankfully, you’re in the right place, because at, our remarketing strategy can help you increase the flow of leads to your website by carefully targeting users who are interested in your product, but haven’t yet taken action. Read More
So, how does remarketing with actually work? We’ll make sure that those visitors to your website who showed an interest in your product or service, but didn’t buy, will be targeted with ads for that product or service, reminding them of it. There are strategies and methods we can use that will potentially show your ads in front of these visitors for upto 4 months. These ads will encourage them to return to your website and make a purchase. Perhaps at the time they visited your website, they couldn’t afford what you were offering, but now they can, and a targeted ad will remind them of what they were interested in and return them to your website. However, the other reason why they might not have taken the final step in making a purchase from your website could be because they don’t fully trust your brand. Having found your website, but not committed to making a purchase, remarketing will show ads for your website on other websites they visit and this is possible through Google AdWords remarketing, and can be done for up to four months. If that person doesn’t click on an ad, you don’t get charged by the search engines. So, although they might not come back to your website this time, they will have seen it advertised elsewhere and this will build their trust in your brand. They could see your ads up to 100 times per day, which is an incredible way to build brand awareness. If a person is looking to buy the product or service you have on offer and repeatedly encounter your business online, then they’re far more likely to develop the confidence needed to place an order with you; and if having seen your ad, they do click on it, you’ll pay considerably less when they click on your page, than you would for standard bidding and pay per click advertising. Remarketing has the capacity to save the sale for a remarkably low cost. Therefore, remarketing can be an extremely powerful and cost-effective way of driving more leads and sales to your website and saving the sales you may have otherwise lost due to poor timing or lack of confidence. Using my remarketing expertise, I will make sure that you get as many sales as possible from this overlooked technique. We will track the conversion rate of your remarketing, providing you with up to the minute data on the percentage of users you’ve targeted who actually go on to make a purchase. Conversion rates for remarketing do tend to be impressive and that’s simply because users have already shown a strong interest in your product by searching for it and clicking on a relevant page. So, why not sign up for the review pack at today? It’s 100% free, with no strings attached and you’ll receive valuable data on your current SEO ranking, which will be extremely useful regardless of the internet marketing route you decide to take.