The Best SEO Content Marketing Strategy

Having a great content strategy for your site, not only brings huge numbers of new visitors to you, but also encourages them to come back.

Google Search Console is a free tool that provides powerful information about your site. Using the tool and my strategies below will significantly boost your on-site SEO performance. 

Marketers can often see Google Search Console as a gold mine for information…and if your agency is not shouting from the roof tops about it or teaching you how to best utilise it, then maybe we should talk 🙂

content strategy

The Benefits

Creating new blogs, posts and pages to your website can significantly boost your SEO results, if done strategically and with data to support.

1. Adding more pages to your site relating to a topic with high quality content will make your site bigger! If you have a bigger site than your competitor about a particular topic, you may easily out rank them.

2. Having more content about a topic adds to the trust that Google has for your site and the expertise you have for that topic.

3. Increasing the content and the pages on your site, gives the search engines more keywords and longtail phrases to rank you for.

4. A new page, blog or post lets Google know that you are still in business when they do a refresh on their end.

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The Strategy $$

Now that we have reviewed the benefits, I will explain how best to pick the keywords your new additional content should focus on. 

1. Log in to your site’s Google Search Console account and click performance on the left menu bar.

2. Click Date: Last 3 months and change that to most recent or last 7 days.

3. Then above the graph click average position

4. Now click export on the top right of your screen and choose excel or google sheets

5. Once the spreadsheet opens, add filters and in the position column set it to sort by lowest position at the top

6. For the most effective return for your time/effort, we should focus on the words which are position 5 to 20. 

7. Review all the words which are between those positions and look for the ones which have great user intention. You can read my blog on this here. Make a list of the words which fit this.

8. From your chosen list, check if you already have a dedicated landing page for each keyword e.g. If you have a page already, remove from your list.

9. Create a new page, blog or post for each of the remaining keywords, using the keyword exactly in the URL slug and using the keyword exactly in the main title of that page. These pages should be filled with original, amazing content that is well optimised. If you need a content editor guide, please send me a message! 

10. Lastly, we want to create a couple internal links to this new page from around our site. The first should be a link to this page from your homepage. Now you want to link to this new blog, post or page from 3 to 5 other pages on your site which are more powerful than this new one. The anchor text which should hyperlink to this new page, must match the keyword we are targeting!

To finish off you want to put all of these linking pages, the homepage and the new page’s URL in the URL Inspector section of your Google Search Console account. 

Enter your URL, hit enter and then click request indexing. Magic. 

Goes without saying but without an active off-page SEO strategy in place for your site, these strategies wont deliver as much potential.

However, when the above is done in tandem with an SEO plan, then your results can really boost 4 or 5 times their potential.

If you have any questions on the above, feel free to email me any time 🙂